| 1. | Cloning , healing or brush tools are not to be used 克隆,修复或笔刷工具不允许使用。 |
| 2. | Power tools - power - driven brushing tools - safety requirements for design , care , and use 电动工具.电驱动涂刷工具.设计保养和使用的安全要求 |
| 3. | Take the brush tool next and set out the brush hardness on 0 % . pass to the eyes make - up now 选择笔刷工具,笔触硬度设置为0 % ,下面给眼睛化化妆。 |
| 4. | Take the next instrument : brush tool and picture with it many points of different sizes 层类型更改为柔和光。新建层,使用笔刷工具绘制大小不同的一些点点,作为星星。 |
| 5. | Select white as the foreground color and use the brush tool with a soft edged brush to paint the affected areas 选择白色为前景色,用画笔工具,用软边刷油漆受灾地区。 |
| 6. | On a layer lower , picture the mask shadow with the next tool ( brush tool ) and blur it out 在头头下面新建一层,是用画笔工具给头头画个影子,并使用滤镜-模糊-高斯模糊将影子进行一下模糊处理。 |
| 7. | Cloning , healing or brush tools are not to be used . the single exception to this rule is sensor dust removal 克隆,修复或笔刷工具不允许使用。唯一的例外就是去除相机图象传感器上灰尘导致的照片污点。 |
| 8. | Change the layer ' s type on soft light . take the next instrument : brush tool and picture with it many points of different sizes 层类型更改为柔和光。新建层,使用笔刷工具绘制大小不同的一些点点,作为星星。 |
| 9. | Osc . arthur neubert gmbh polierscheibenfabrik - the delivery program covers brush tools , polishing and buffing discs and polishing rings as well as polishing tool and abrasive cords 是一家诚信的、高效能的生产商和服务商,该公司提供新型的、专门的产品,例如抛光剂、抛光粉、抛光膏、研磨膏,抛光环,磨具,磨料,砂轮;研磨盘,磨具。 |